Line Marketing at MARC Stadium

02 Apr 2024
Sports Discover, Health & Fitness, Things To See & Do

Get ready to take on new sports at MARC Stadium!

We are so excited to share MARC Stadium's courts are undergoing a makeover!

Our upgrades include the designation of a new line specifically tailored for junior basketball players which will enhance the playing experience for our young athletes while also facilitating the hosting of competitions. By providing a dedicated space for junior basketball, we're creating an environment where our young players can develop their skills, build confidence, and foster a love for the game

In addition to the new junior basketball line, we're also incorporating new lines for Badminton and Pickleball. This expansion offers diverse and inclusive sports programming catering to the interests and abilities of all participants. By adding badminton lines to our facilities, we're opening up opportunities for individuals of all ages and skill levels to enjoy this popular racquet sport. 

Keen to learn more? Chat with the team today!

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