
MARC Stadium is your ultimate destination for social sports!

Experience the excitement of Futsal, Pickleball, Volleyball, Badminton and Table Tennis like never before as you join our fantastic community of social players.

Whether you're new to sport, all abilities, senior or junior player; our social sports offer the perfect balance of friendly competition and fun. Get ready to connect and create unforgettable memories.

Keen to learn more? Register your interest by completing our Expression of Interest form and we'll keep you updated with what's on at MARC Stadium!


Register your interest for our social rounds of Pickelball! Get ready dink and rally your way through this hugely popular sport for players of all ages and abilities.


Register your interest for our social rounds of Futsal! Get ready to kick into high gear with Futsal fever!


Register your interest for our social rounds of Volley Ball! Bump, set, spike your way to victory with new and old friends!

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